You have hopefully reached the end of your cellular contract, you've finished paying for your costly cellphone and you're primed to obtain a cheaper SIM-only deal. There's just one problem. Your mobile phone is locked to your current carrier and if you can't take care of that, you are not going to be able to get a cheaper option provided by other network carriers. So, how will you get your mobile unlocked and get your pick of the PAYG bargains? The good news is, it's essentially extremely easy.
Nothing is unlawful about unlocking your device. It is yours and you're well within your rights to use it with any network you desire. Unfortunately, there is a very good chance that network unlocking your mobile phone can end your warranty, so it may perhaps be best to hold-off until you've finished your contractual obligations before deciding to ditch your existing carrier.
Once your handset is unlocked, you will be ready to locate the lowest priced mobile packages on the market - a Pay-As-You-Go offer. Most of these usually operate on a rolling regular monthly basis, that means you can make use of the service provided you are happy with your cell phone and then up date when a brand new model is available or your much loved old smartphone eventually fails.
If you are uncertain who you can trust, I highly recommend Unlock.Zone. I have used them myself personally and was really happy with the service I received, and ultimately that they successfully unlocked my cell phone. They offer unlocks for all major makes and carriers, have a guaranteed price match promise, and most significantly, offer a no questions asked refund policy in the unlikely event they cannot unlock your mobile.
Here's a link to their site: IMEI CellPhone Unlocker